"Just What I Always Wanted"

I see Liam has posted up images from “Just What I Always Wanted: An exhibiton of Irish comic book art” that’s going on in the Twisted Pepper this and next week.  I was walking down a packed Henry street the day after I agreed to put something into this exhibition and these two kids weave past me on girls bike, way to small for them. I just couldn’t get the image out of my head the pure mischief in their eyes. Anyway here’s a photo of my piece. Two little urchins make off with a poor girls new bike, just what they always wanted eh?  Go figure. 

Anyway, the launch is on Thursday from 8pm. Come on down, have a beer and marvel (pun intended) at how Salvo’s piece puts every other one of our shoddy shitmuncher’s efforts to shame.


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