
Last Bus launch, Derry 2D festival etc etc etc

Whoa,I’m knackered. Still reeling from the last 5 days activities, so I’ll keep  the post short. Thanks to everyone who came to the launch in the Stags Head last Wednesday. Thanks to Harry and Seamo (Boxkites) for providing the gangsta rap /speed  garage soundtrack, Tannam for lending me the PA, Brendan for the lift in the rain and Katie and Ciara for stamping, numbering and selling the comics. A great night was had by all.   So after a hellish week in work and the organisational panic on Wednesday a frantic evening of printing, cutting and stapling on Thursday myself and fellow Cardboard Presser Katie Blackwood boarded the bus for Derry to take us 4 and 1/2 hours north to the 2D Northern Ireland Comics Festival. We had a ball of a weekend which I will detail in the next post.  
