
Summer Edition 2009

summer edition banner

Just a quick note to say that through Edition Book Arts (me, Katie Blackwood and Phillip Barrett) we’ve announced an artists books, comics and zine fair for Dublin this coming 4th July. It’s shaping up really well with a great mix of top class exhibitors so get your ass along. I’ll be there hawking my new minicomics, Last Bus and various prints/one off goodies. Check out the site for more details.

Also, I’ve a flying visit coming up tomorrow to the 2D festival in Derry. I dashed off a couple of pages of a story for their “Fear” anthology two weeks ago in a mad rush as I was going on holidays the next day – so I’m curious/terrified to see how it holds up alongside more considered, “professional” efforts. Ah well fun and games. I’ll post a report next week.

