For anyone that doesn’t know (as I have no idea who actually views this blog) I have always spent a sizeable proportion of my “free” time over the years moonlighting in various bands to various degrees of (unquantifiable) “success”. A question I have constantly asked myself has been “why?”. Why do I put myself through the pain and frustration of trying to “create” music in groups of people with completely opposing tastes. Even finding a middle ground can be nigh on impossible. In my experience the whole process, at best, works as either a hostile democracy (where musical territory is fiercely guarded and contested) or as a benevolent dictatorship (with one person writing the songs but giving the band members a certain leeway for their own ‘personal expression’).
Both scenarios are impossible to maintain for extended periods of time and often lead to fractured friendship relationships and/or creative disappointments. So why? And the answer is, I dont know. Maybe I’m addicted to some sort of thrill at performing in front of a half full room of friends and strangers smiling politely, maybe I like the brief buzz of musical interaction with the group of humans on our side of the stage when it comes together well. Maybe I’m just stuck on some sort of adolescent rock’n’roll pipe dream. All this aside I’ve really enjoyed illustrating the posters to gigs that my bands have played over the last couple of years. If you look to my illustration site you’ll see a selection of the best. I mean, the standard is hardly this, but I like to think I add a little bit to the gig poster scene in Dublin. Who knows?
Anyway, I’m doing it again this Friday in the Annesley House on Dublin’s North Strand with one of my current musical misadventures : Murder Plan. The wonderful Hoovers and Sledgehammers (featuring Ronan Kennedy of Mindpuss fame) are supporting along with the reformed Dograck.