Attention all, please refresh your browsers on my illustration site. I’ve added...

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I’ve just finished a new 4 page story for (the ever industrious) Cliodhna...

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Another illustration from the Drop-d site. Keith Moon, Moon the Loon. I...

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I've just completed another illustration for the Irish-based music blog drop-d . Looks like this is going to be a monthly gig. I'm having fun with them - doing each one quite quickly in my notebooks and experimenting with hand or computer colouring techniques.  Oh, there's also a good interview in the archives with Tommie Kelly of the Road Crew Webcomic fame. Worth a read.

Large version of the illustration under the cut.

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Fleamarket excerpt I'll be making an appearance at the next Dublin Flea Market in the CoOp, Newmarket, Dublin 8 this coming Sunday alongside my Cardboard Press and Edition Book Arts compatriots Katie Blackwood, and Phil Barret. We'll be selling various mini comics, and artists' books etc from ourselves and other Irish comic artists. I think Archie Templar intends to make an appearance at the table as well.  It's something we're going to be trying out here and there: attempting to push the self published works of any comic, zine and artist book artists that we like onto the unsuspecting public. Oh yeah, I did the poster for this months Flea Market. Mucho thanks to them for the gig. Apparently they sell signed prints of all the previous posters at the market and hopefully mine holds its' own against some great work from Gav Beattie, Steve McCarthy and the likes. It looks to be a great buzz, starts at 11am. Come on down. The full poster artwork is below the cut.

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