the first panel from a recent comic Here's a short 3 page story that I did for the 2D anthology last June. The theme was 'fear'. Make of it what you will, there's an actual connection in there, but maybe it's too cryptic. Comic production has been slow lately, my day job has been taking up larger amounts of my time than normal, positively stopping my comics work in its tracks. I have been doing some small illustration gigs here, there and a couple of other places which I'll put up when they go to print. Anyway "Leap", under the cut:

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Stop Gap cover print Several months ago I took my first tentative steps towards teaching myself the art of screenprinting. Ever since seeing Jay Ryans screen printed gig posters , and having bought a load of mini comics with their lovingly hand printed covers over the last year I've been wanting to try doing it myself. So I bought a simple kit, got my hands on a load of cheap inks being sold off from Kavanaghs as they were closing down and prepared to get my inky hands stuck in. First results were hardly the slickest I've ever seen, but I really enjoyed every moment of the process – even the initial under exposures and screen coating mess ups. I've improved with each print and recently completed a run of covers for the second edition of my "Stop Gap" minicomic. I'm dead proud of the design, colours and print job. I did a run of thirty and sold the first 21 copies at Summer Edition (which went amazingly well, by the way - see the blog here). I've 9 copies left. They look and feel amazing. Consisting of 7 short stories, three have seen the light of day before in anthologies and the rest are completely brand new, the actual contents of the comic is pretty good as well. You can get them in my online shop, €4 postpaid worldwide. Oh yeah, the Comic Cast boys are celebrating their first birthday this Friday in the Twisted Pepper, Dublin. Bands, comedian, DJs, free comics all night. Do come.

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Last Bus issue one cover

A comic about Gerry, a pedantic bus driver and his mundane adventures...

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Just a quick note to say that through Edition Book Arts (me,...

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      Just saw on the Fantagraphics website that the third...

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