
Stray Lines update #1

The Glass Trampoline

Wow, what can I say? The Stray Lines fundit campaign has recieved a HUUGE amount of love in the first ten days. We’re overwhelmed. Thank you so much to everyone who has demonstrated their generosity and enthusiasm for this project and especially to those of you who jumped in right off the bat and got us up and running in the first few days.

We still have about €500 to raise if we are to print this book, so if you want to see this project come to fruition, please consider helping out. The easiest way would be to simply pre-order the book at the €8 pledge level, not only will you get the book cheaper and ahead of it’s availability in shops, but you’ll have that warm fuzzy feeling that goes with the knowledge that you helped out some fellow artists put a great project together.

I had a brief chat with Liam Geraghty of the Comic Cast last week about the project, which you can listen to here:

Also –  Barry Hughes, one of the great artists (and the one behind the cover image) has put up a few of his pages on his flickr site, so you can take a sneak peek some of the AMAZING artwork he has produced for this book:

Anyway stay tuned for more updates and sneak previews.

Thanks a million

Paddy Lynch
