Category: illustrations

  • A Terrible Beauty

    The image above is my contribution to an exhibition for a ‘Nightmare’ themed club night this weekend. All artwork will be printed on fluorescent card and under UV light should look very very spooky. My image is taken from an actual nightmare I had some months back involving a cannibalistic, time travelling Countess Markievicz and me hiding…

  • Big Jim Preview 1

    I promised last week that I would begin to share some previews of my work in progress from a rather large project (for me, anyway) I have been working on for the last few months. So here it is, some inked, but unlettered, artwork from the start of the tentatively titled Big Jim graphic novel.…

  • Work in Progress

    It’s been a while since I posted anything, so here are a couple of photos of some illustration/design work in progress from a few weeks ago. Got to do some nice hand lettering as part of it as well, which is always a bonus. There’s a bit of a back story behind this work that…

  • Ben Katchor

    Around the time Last Bus came out in 2008, Liam (from the much missed ‘Story’ comic shop in Temple Bar) mentioned that the art reminded him somewhat of Ben Katchor’s work. Katchor’s name was new to me but I eventually got my hands on one of his ‘Julius Knipl, Real Estate Photographer’ books and sunk…

  • Drinkin’ with the Devil

    Former musical cohorts of mine Murder Plan have gotten their act together big time since I (amicably) vacated the drum stool and are set to release their debut ep Drinkin’ With The Devil. They asked me to come up with a poster for their release gig in Whelans with no specific brief except to relate the…