
Stray Lines

Stray Lines
Conceived as an opportunity to showcase some of Irelands most exciting and original indie comic creators together in a beautifully designed and produced publication, I edited and published Stray Lines in October 2012.

Each artist has produced a 12 page contribution giving them ample space to demonstrate their own unique take on comic book storytelling. From Chris Judges tale of an illustrator caught up in World War II (a collaboration with his brother, Andrew), Barry Hughes beautifully illustrated hallucinogenic dream-world only accessible through a glass coffee table, to Philip Barrett’s cryptic blind alley, ‘Endless Lap’, this 64 page collection delivers a substantial punch of storytelling suss.



My contribution, Friendly Local, concerns a shiftless youth, Danno, acting as a self appointed security guard in a local Chinese takeaway restaurant. A series of misadventures abound forcing him to size up the gap between how he views himself and the unfortunate reality.

“If someone asked what’s happening in Irish comic books, I’d hand them Stray Lines over anything.” Liam Geraghty, The Comic Cast 

Physical Edition: €8

Digital Edition:€2

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